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Baby, you're mine ♥

Saturday, December 19, 2009 ♥
♥ 9:48:00 PM

had a wonderful bdaex celebration wid all my friends around.. felt blessed.. its a preview of my 21st bdaex bahs.. this time bdaex is i organised de.. next yr i shall hand over to someone and organise for mi!!..

23rd is my last assessment for my ojt.. striving hard for my best trainee.. if cant get, so be it.. cux i noex in all my baobeiix and teachers' heart, i am their best trainee can le.. be optimistic!!...

shurong.. jiayouus.. quick quick finish your taskbook =)

Wednesday, December 02, 2009 ♥
♥ 7:15:00 PM

once in a while to blog.. cant blog too much cux i cant reveal my work in blog.. ojt is not as bad as i think.. at least i can focus on my system. bud i still got a lot to learn and i do not know.

expectations are very high for mii.. dun wanna let pple to be disappointed.. there are a lot of task for mi to finish. and i hab to push myself further..

jialat sia.. whenever i'm feeling stressed or panic, my hands starts to shiver.. i love my tech department.. they are rili very understanding.. bud bad news for mii is i might not get to work with them in the future.. i afraid i might cry cux of that.

whenever i start to learn things.. if i'm not sure of it, i will feel very pissed off on myself.. in ship, the most relaxing time is in the night time when i'm sailing. cux i can relax by listening to my songs and enjoy the sea breeze. i always lik to stay out and look at the sea. it rili allows mi to release all my stress. i am very willing to eat into my sleeping time for the moment of enjoy.

actually i lik sailing. i dunno y.. though i got tonns of system to learn, i lik my time onboard. though sometimes i feel lik going home cux i miss my family.. starting to treasure my family le.. i rili do prefer ship life den in skol.. =p

Tuesday, November 03, 2009 ♥
♥ 8:10:00 PM

going for my on job training soon.. it may be the hell of my whole career bahs.. feeling a little afraid..

exams over le.. mux relax now.. if not i no time to play le.. my marriage has no chance to save le. let it go bahs.. throwing away my past, i might feel happier.. seriously.. i hate him.. i hated him for a lot things.. when i thought of him, i jux felt pissed off..

i'm feeling a little bored now.. carrying on wid my life now.. bud still a bit struggling to stand up agains as things are a little too complicated and unsettled..

Sunday, October 04, 2009 ♥
♥ 12:30:00 PM

wad i wan in life? i don noex lehs.. is my life in a mess now?? i do not noex if anyone is hating mi now or not? referring to my friends who noex wad has happened to mii..

have i done wrong? wad should i do? have i choosen a wrong path or a better path?? sometimes i rili feel down. cux i dont noex wad to do. i oni noex how to avoid. i don dare to face. i am tired le. now i felt that i am all alone. without family and friends. its like they are all snatched by others. or is it that i don care about them at first?

i wan to lead a simple life without stress in family and my friends. i wan a simple marriage. a happy new starting family. is that so difficult??

mood dropping to the ultimate.. =(

Monday, May 18, 2009 ♥
♥ 7:15:00 PM

i'm alone at work today. hmm.. actually plan not to hab lunch one. cux it looks so to0pidx going to the cookhouse alone eating.. in the end my master ask mi to go eat lunch wid them in the canteen. so i went wid them and did not go cookhouse.

today is a tiring day. monday blues mahs. had to photocopy circuit diagrams A3 size one. actually there is an easy way to do it. faster too. bud the machine keep on jamming. so i had to do it in a hardcore way lors.. photocopy one by one and sort it into 8 sets. today printed a total of 600 pieces. aft that punched holes for binding. tml still had a long way to go. cux still hab a stack to photocopy. each sets is abt 150 sheets bahs. den hab to punched holes for binding agains.

thurs is graduation day lers.. aft that got to go buy my luggage bag. the type that can be sling on and hand carry one. friday nitex will be on oversea leave to KL till tues nitex. time to relax aft so mani things happen. and wanted to go oversea before my bmt starts.

actually i'm quite excited for my holiday trip. cux i owaex lik to eat road side sell de food. KL should hab a lot. heex.. looking forward though it cant be seen on my face.. wahaha

Sunday, May 17, 2009 ♥
♥ 9:33:00 PM

long time neber blog lers. busy wid a lot of things and lazy to blog too. mayb is cux too mani things happens in jux a very short time.

feeling quite stress wid very bad temper these days. had been thinking wid a lot of things. dunos wad i should do. work wise and some personal affairs.

i should hab choose between my work and him. i will hab to start choosing and picky wid jobs in work if i were to choose him as my piority. it is not cux i don wanna to work. i wan to work and do my best in the things i do. bud i wanna to start a family too.

mayb a lot of pple will advise mi not to start a family at this young age, bud actually i felt that it is a matter of time. the most impt to mi now is my posting. i got to look far, shouldnt i? its him that i couldnt afford to let nature takes its course. mayb he might be the one or not will be known when the marriage cert is being signed.

agreed to yiings words : humans are clever, that's y they are so evil. my mind is running wid a lot of things which cannot be solved now. bud i jux cant help thinking.

aniwaex, today i went for my 1st prac for 2A. passed it, bud difficult. the bike is rili too heavy. mayb i got to try to get used to the weight by all means bahs.. hope i can overcome it . having uneven sunburns again =x

Wednesday, March 18, 2009 ♥
♥ 9:39:00 PM

my boy temper have been very foul these days.. he told mi.. he doesnt lik to be in camp.. he don lik army life.. den i oso dunn0 y everytime he book out, we will sure quarrel and keep quarreling.

tml a very big shot is going to meet us.. and we might not stay in changi animore.. they might transfer us to bukit gombak.. sianx lors.. its fucking far from my house.. hais. hope will not be transferred there.. i wan to stay in changi. cux its oni 25 mins journey there from my house.

ytd nitex didnt sleep early cux quarrelling wid him lors. den today woke up a little late and rushed to work.. fall asleep durng work and kana caught by some pple.. haax.. rili tiring of nothing to do lehs..

my working schedule is mon to thurs 8 to 5.30 and fri 8 to 5.. tues and thurs is so called sports day.. we mux participate in ani sports that will normally last until 6pm. wed is healthy lifestyle.. we mux run aroun 2.1km round changi base.. aft the run is oso abt 6pm lers.. rili exhausted. long time neber exercise regularly lers. bud luckily today we escaped from the run. wahaha..

today wore formal to work. bought the pants ytd.. 2 for 50 over dollars.. from G2000.. and a covered office formal shoes from charles and keith.. its a new arrival and cost mi 40 over dollars.. ex ritex.. bud bo bianx.. last minute need to buy de.. den today i wore the shoes until my leg rili pain.. nearly cant walk lors.. not used and will not ever get used to wearing this type of shoes.. bud i have to. =( got 5 plasters on my 2 feet today.. pathetic.

sometimes rili hope i can quick get my uniform and i don hab to think wad to wear to work. aniway, i requested to change into my PT attire and sports shoes aft lunch today.. cux my feet rili buay tahan lers.. need to change into my sports shoes in order to save my 2 feet lives.

Saturday, March 14, 2009 ♥
♥ 4:47:00 PM

he is jux being missed by mii.. this week is his re-service period until the next week. today den he can book out.. bud until now he is still in camp waiting for booking out.. he was lucky to hab nights off on thurs.. bud 11pm he got to book in alr.. very rush.. of course i did meet him during his nights off..
oh ya.. mi thursday went in to changi alr.. first day.. rili blur.. den cant smoke.. at first still cant tahan.. cux not used to it.. den slowly slowly try not to think of it can alr lors..
first 2 days of work, nothing to do one lars.. slack and wait for the time to pass lors.. fun wid new and nice friends in.. bud mon, we are going to get separated lers.. bud den if can we still will meet together to hab lunch and tea breaks.. heex..
will try to keep a habit in writing blog again.. bud still, sleeping more impt.. wahaha.. raining soon.. thundering now alr.. he still haben book out.. =( and i shall wait wait wait bahs.

Saturday, February 21, 2009 ♥
♥ 2:35:00 PM

finished my exams ytd and went out wid taiying and all for celebrations. fin up my sk0l and now waiting to go in lers. actually not feeling very good.

i was drunk ytd.. maybe dead drunk.. bud i still can walk ya. jux not very stable oni. fall here and there.. oh gosh. i think i can jux remember all this. the rest not quite clear.

now i hab to plan my time well before i go to navy.. any meetings mux hab appointments from now on.. countdown days: 19 more days to go.

Saturday, February 14, 2009 ♥
♥ 11:07:00 PM

today is my valentines!!.. was working ytd nitex.. den went to hubbiex hse and slept until 3pm.. my right hand was hurting since ytd.. and aft we woke up, he brought mi to see a physician at geylang east.

cant imagine the physician there help mii to rub the acupoint and dunn0s wad lars.. and it cost mi $72.. he got give mi medicine too lars.. bud rili far too expensive lors.. felt lik kana cheated lik tat.. hais.. bo bianx.. wont be going there animore. heartaching of the money spent.

den aft that was thinking to go buy kite.. he suggested toyrus might hab.. den we went to tampines mall.. at first saw pasa malam.. and we linger there first b4 going to toyrus.. in the end, toyrus doesnt sell kites!!.. so today no kite flying =(

plan changed and we went to wash and polish our car aft tat and went to eat and went home to slp.. a normal and simple bud sweet valentines i ever had. he gave mi flowers too wors!! 12 roses =)

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